
Search “The Men o’ War Balladeers” in ITunes, Amazon Music, YouTube Music, Spotify, or Deezer to purchase or stream our albums. CD’s can also be purchased in-person in Cambridge, NY at Battenkill Books, Round House Café, at our gigs, or at any time from one of us.

Our “Official” Releases

Low Lie the Fields, (2019) 11-track Studio Album, available as CD, Digital Downloads, and Online Streaming.
Rise with the Moon, (2017) 11-track Studio Album, available as CD and Digital Downloads
Live at Hubbard Hall (2016) 5 track live EP, available as downloads only.

Our Web “channels”

-Soundcloud Channel (Audio platform)

-YouTube Channel (Video Platform)

And a few direct links-

-The Auld Trangle, Live at Hubbard Hall, July 13th, 2018;

-King of the Sea, Live at The Historic Salem Courthouse, March 15th, 2018;


The words are always the key in traditional music. They could give you the strength to give another pull to the line, another cut to the log, another blow to the rail spike. They could also give you pause and thought, about the deaths in the gales, the killing in the wars, the starvation in the famines. From whalermen’s pump shanties to Scottish antiwar songs, Irish love ballads and Canadian laments for “the old ways,” these tunes have been giving thought, hope, and strength to countless scores of people through the years. We hope they do the same for you.


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